Chris Bale

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An Out-Of-Bodied Society

An out-of-bodied person, is a somatically compromised and unintelligent person - Governed and controlled by their systematic conditioning, heavily rooted in the accumulated past. 

To clarify, in their life essence they are not unintelligent. They are coded with innate intelligence. Every cell of their body is dripping in wisdom. 

Stupidity and foolishness is the result of abandoning our nature, which means being programmed by fear and lack. 

The more heady information we take in, assuming it’s building ‘knowledge’ and ‘wisdom’, is a slippery serpent of unfortunate delusion, which many people are ferociously committed to. It’s generally a lot easier and more entertaining to chew on concepts than to actually imbibe oneself in the moment. 

⁣⁣⁣ To be disembodied, is to be possessed.

The body is your house. If one leaves their house, it will be overrun with squatters in no time. In this case; brainwashing, stories, conditioning, and traumatic identification.  ⁣ A person connects with their potency, bliss, wisdom, and peace - when they arrive to a place of learning to be in the body. 

Which is then followed by a learning to stay in the body, without dissociating from that which may arise in the body.⁣ And further more - listening to, trusting, and following the body. 

Please know that an embodiment practice does not equal embodiment.

An embodiment practice has almost nothing to do with the reality of living in a state of embodiment. A practice is simply training wheels. 

True embodiment doesn’t require a practice, it requires a commitment, a way of life. A moment to moment prioritization which is something as rare in a human these days as spotting Bigfoot on your morning walk. I feel it’s mainly due to our age of fried attention spans and technological addiction. 

Currently we are in a phase of mass distraction, confusion, separation and inner delusion. Yay. 

We are generously being handed all of the necessary tools required to continuously leave ourselves; placing our hopes of salvation in the hands of something external. All of which keeps us separate from the wisdom of self. It keeps us far and away from imbibing our visceral essence. 

Through this distraction we forget who and what we are, until we are so far away from self, that we can’t even recognize our home anymore.

Actual embodiment, first and foremost, requires a certain foundational level of cultivated inner awareness before it is even reachable. This starts with shifting one’s lifestyle to prioritize more opportunity for simple feeling, and noticing the clusterfuck of destructive and ridiculous thought patterns, conclusions, stories and beliefs that the mind is dishing out. 

Ironically, most(but not all) ‘leaders’ and ‘coaches’ in the new age spiritual/self development arena are not anymore in their body’s than the least embodied person you may know. They just think they are and pretend to be(which is even more dangerous), as they’ve built a whole identity and business around it. 

They are good at talking about it, marketing it, and presenting the concepts - which is all very well accepted by a heady populous. But they are not actually transmitting a frequency of embodiment. Which means you wont taste it through them, you would just learn a practice. Which you can do while being totally checked-out. 

I don’t enjoy this truth anymore than you do. It’s kind of like a dark comedy, or a cosmic joke. A gigantic fart of hilarity. 

Hopefully I can help in this regard, by sharing that you don’t even need a ‘coach’ to teach you how to be embodied. You simply(or not so simply) begin by spending as much time as you can in your daily life feeling your body. Wether you’re doing an official ecstatic dance practice, pooping a real good poop, or having a juicy emotional breakdown of epic proportions - the opportunity to imbibe the deepest recesses of your being is right there, always. It requires no practice to be with yourself. What it does require is a moment to moment commitment to exist here differently than how you have been.

Embodiment doesn’t discriminate. But your mind does. 

The other super helpful way you can experience embodiment, is to find a human who is actually in their body and transmitting that frequency. This will be of great benefit to shifting your own state of understanding and can serve as an energetic and somatic activation, bypassing your minds armoring. But be warned, if you have not been in your body and there is a bunch of unprocessed trauma in your system, being in the presence of an embodied person can potentially activate all of your unprocessed stuff. Beautiful. 

Feel your body. Feel the felt-sense experience of you existing and being alive in this moment. Breathe into your existence to bless it with your breath. 

That’s all it requires. Build on that. In every moment. From now until your final breath. That’s all it takes. But, the simplicity of that can be too confronting of a commitment for most people, which is why we want steps, practices, books and systems. Which is ok - if you remember to be in your body as you consume the entertaining information. 

Why is being in our body important? ⁣ Because to leave the body is to leave life.⁣ to leave the body is to leave intelligence, sovereignty and alignment.  ⁣ To be ok being in the body allows one to viscerally ground spirit and essence into the physical plane. It allows for god to be present, through whatever you touch upon.⁣ ⁣ To be in the body, is to be in deep trust. Even if it’s uncomfortable at times.  ⁣

Past trauma can also make it very difficult to be in the body, as this is where trauma is remembered far deeper than a mind ever could. 

This is evident in those who have leaned heavily into traditional talk therapy, without ever tending to their sweet fascial system. They have all the ‘mindset’ work in place, all the informational knowledge on the tip of their tongue, but it’s a trick. 

Because if you look closely, the body is still burdened, tight, constricted, numb, inflamed, screaming. 

The body continues to express patterns of looping pain, grief, rage and contraction/dissociation. The person continues having to push through their life.  ⁣ If you are alert to remaining in the body, at all times and at all costs, you can support more intelligence, cleanliness, suppleness & openness within your life. You heal more and more and more - while continuously staying true to self. 

To clarify, embodiment doesn’t equal perfection. Life is hella challenging at times. There is a huge spectrum of suffering, violence, poverty and hateful actions. This is all a part of the duality which exists here. Some lives look easy to some, and some lives look horrific to some. Nature ebbs and flows. Life happens. 

Embodiment is not here to ‘fix’ the nature of nature. 

Embodiment is not here to paint this picture of a perfect life. It doesn’t exist. 

Embodiment is here to support absolute connection to our deepest self, which at its core, underneath the bracing, trauma and fear, I believe, is loving kindness and compassion. Peace & bliss-body Eros in union. 

Being in the body - you remain in direct felt-sense contact with the very lifeforce which has gifted you life to begin with.⁣ Your being is then able to allow, feel, process, and let go of emotions in real-time. 

There is nothing ‘wrong’ with any emotion. To be embodied doesn’t mean to always be in a state of peace or emptiness. Life is always happening, rolling and challenging us. Anger, rage, sadness, grief - all very normal human experiences. When we live from a place of being present in the body, we get to love ourselves by having the somatic connection to discharge these emotions right away, so they don’t have the opportunity to burrow deep and fester over years of repression.   ⁣I hope this has been helpful for you to absorb.  ⁣

In love & service
