Chris Bale

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Healthy Polarity & Embodiment 101

Polarity, just like truth, if left unconditioned, arises and expresses itself slightly or vastly different in everyone.⁣⁣

Once a person has been pointed to their inner polarity(positive & negative poles), the work of allowing this lifeforce to teach and initiate that individual into deeper understanding of how they function - begins. ⁣

We live in a time where people are attempting to 'do' polarity. This is already starting from a fundamental disconnect in the understanding of what polarity actually is, and how it functions. You cannot do polarity. Polarity does you. Polarity is bigger than us.⁣

The body’s electro-magnetic system is naturally set up to be balanced in its poles, which means it is in a state of constant responsive flux to our internal and external worlds.

The defining factor between healthy naturally arising polar expression, and dysfunctional polar expression - is activated embodiment.

Embodiment NOT as a practice, not as a hack - but as a way of life.

Unprocessed trauma which resides in our emotional & physical body tends to saturate and provoke the mind - This generally leads to complete dissociation from our physical & energetic systems. The moment we leave our visceral felt-sense, is when we abandon our polarity. Individuals experiencing these symptoms do not require 'polarity practice' - they require therapy and somatic bodywork to support more space, safety, and regulation in their system, so that embodiment becomes the default state.

You cannot DO embodiment. You arrive back to embodiment, as a result of creating internal space through releasing and freeing-up points of holding.

The only reason a person finds it difficult to be in the body is because it is clogged with unprocessed trauma, which leads to tension, which leads to bracing, which leads to an inability to breathe deeply and freely. This pushes spirit out of our vessel, and we suffer greatly.

Natural polarity requires no mind.

Mind is usually why a person's polarity has become dysfunctional, mixed-up & confused to begin with. ⁣We have been trained to leave our body; aka our polar intelligence.

'Polarity practices' are then sold back to us as heady concepts and low-key manipulation tools, which has nothing to do with polarity. Mostly we end up tricking ourselves.

When we dissociate from our body and forget to breathe abundantly, we lose the ability to remain open and available to the current of palpable bliss which is here to keep us supple and alive; The frequency which grounds us into our true intelligence.

The more heady we become, the more disempowered we become.

If man and woman can cultivate a healthy embodied relationship with their own inner poles(living in the body, breath open, staying with and following nuanced sensation), when they come together, polarity will naturally be established, even if the woman isn’t swept up in bashful surrender, and even if the man isn’t standing with a rigid overcompensating cocked-spine and forced deep breathing.⁣

These days it seems most 'spiritual teachings' are actually leading us further away from truth, in the promise of something shinier. This isn't a judgement, but rather a curious observation. I don't believe life makes mistakes, and sometimes we must first be dragged through what does not work(the illusionary), so that we can land back in our bodies with deeper sense. There is divinity in everything, except pineapple pizza. That shits gotta go!

Many of these new-wave polarity teachings seem to be nothing more than standardized manipulation & performance pieces, with a “fake it till you make it” mentality - which has zero grounding in consciousness or embodiment. It doesn’t mean they are bad or wrong. Some are beautiful entry points into hopefully opening an individual's eyes of how not to show up.

To further clarify, requesting that a woman take on disempowering or subservient behaviors to appear more “feminine”, to attract a man - is NOT accessing polarity. It’s accessing manipulation; the same weapon she was previously playing with, simply wearing a different coat. This damages her relationship with herself, and any future partner. ⁣It pulls her further into believing that to be seen as worthwhile, valuable or feminine, she must be something other than how she is truly experiencing herself in this moment.

Likewise, requesting that a man show-up in complete erect presence and consciousness to hold absolutely everything that a woman wants to unload on him(including abusive projections) is not supporting empowerment or integrity in him. Instead its teaching him how to override and disrespect his boundaries, to be deeply compromised - which will lead to future resentment and bitterness towards women.

I feel many who heavily identify with new-age polarity practices are just re-awakening old trauma patterns/control dynamics and getting stuck in them. Although I understand this is not the complete case.

There is definitely some value there, for those who can see the benefit of moving into certain corners of their undermet expressions and trying them on. Ideally, one would toss the rest.

Even in what I'm sharing - try on whatever feels true or expansive for you, and drop everything else. I know mostly nothing about almost everything. But what I do know is...

Polarity is not a practice.

Polarity is who you are internally, and how that current informs, supports and directs your external being. It knows far far more about your nature than your mind can ever possibly understand, and that's when we tend to panic as a mind-driven collective.

Polarity is simple, once we can land on our own natural internal expression of it first. The 'how' is in cultivating a courageousness in our willingness to stay completely with ourselves in every moment of our lives, not as a practice - but as a way of life.

To breathe deeply into all the parts of our being which feel numb, tight, stuck or overwhelmed - on a consistent moment to moment basis, so that spirit can make its way back into these places of abandonment.

Life doesnt stop happening when you finish your practice. Everything continues. Stay with yourself at all times, as the deepest offerance of love. If one can simply focus on this - to be in the body always, you will not need any other practice. From here the body's intelligence will take over and begin to purge and open of its own accord.

For this, deep trust and awareness is required. This in itself can be daunting work, but that's ok. We can all support one another in deeper being. In deeper feeling. In deeper breathing. In deeper expressing.

From here, the internal intelligence of your polarity will begin to imbibe your existence naturally, and we can live gracefully with healthy boundaries and standards. Rather than rigid models of expected polar perfection.

We are all made up of everything. Balance is key. This will be different for each one of us.

Take a free deep breath. Feel the parts of you which require more vibration, and be there.

Much love.
