Chris Bale

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The Proliferation Of Spiritual Bullshit: Energy Healers, The Coaching Industry & Lack Of Cultivation

Today I will be speaking very frankly and directly on a topic which I feel I have at least some level of authority on; Working with other peoples energy.

Almost weekly, I experience a moment of someone dropping their jaw in response to the amount of time I spend in energetic cultivation and training every day (2 - 4 hours).

Honestly, that’s not even a lot…

Even more concerning, is that many of the people who are dropping their jaws in disbelief (some laugh out loud) are people who refer to themselves as “energy workers” and spiritual mentors/coaches.

The sheer lack of accountability I see in many practitioners today is a shock to my system. I want to pierce this.

What I am currently seeing is a very clear representation of the delusion, unconsciousness, and entitlement which pervades the new-age insta-spiritual industry.

“I want it all, without any of the dedication and work. And because I can think it, because I have Instagram, that’s all I need to do, and I get it” - This is a lot of how things seem to be presented these days. How convenient.

What separates an elite high-level athlete from us normal folk? Other than whatever natural talent for said sport they were born with (sometimes)? – It is purely the vigorous amount of training that that individual does.

An elite high-level athlete is only of the highest caliber in what they do, because of how much of their daily life and priority is placed upon developing and maintaining the necessary abilities required to excel.

To be potent in their sport.

Well, I hate to break it to some of y’all, but the same is true for those who call themselves “energy workers” & “healers”.

Unfortunately, in the new-age spiritual land of perpetual bullshit, entitlement and fakeness, I have noticed an extreme lack of personal accountability, where oftentimes the “healer” or “energy worker” is much less vital than the people they work on.

How is that supposed to work?

If someone is unable to sit still and be ok in their own body for relatively extended periods of time, its best you avoid receiving any form of spiritual guidance or “healing” from them.

If an individual has not even arrived at the baseline experience of conquering their relationship with boredom…Its best you keep looking.

Many people who think they work with energy are exceptionally delusional, not only on what they have convinced themselves they are doing with energy, but also with what they have managed to convince others they are doing. They are not bad, or even wrong. Just delusional. Which is only present due to our lack of high-quality guidance.

To be a high-level elite energy worker, or to be ANY level of effective energy worker or mentor, one cannot live the way normal folk live. Sure, we are all born with natural gifts and tendencies, but without cultivation, none of the gifts or abilities can be fully actualized into the physical plane, and they most certainly cant be sustained.

One cannot spend hours of their daily life on social media and their phone, and still function at a high vibrancy level, combined with a depth of inner calm, regulated nervous system, and presence. All of which are required if one strives to assist others energetically or spiritually.

Our current standard of health is so superficial that these basic and foundational qualities are completely overlooked.

And why are they overlooked? Because to cultivate these qualities, it requires deep and consistent accountability for how one moves through their life. And in this hyper overstimulated, instant-gratification society, it is no longer interesting to cultivate that kind of accountability.

Its similar to the hustle of a self-proclaimed ‘self-love coach’, who is unconsciously operating from a very low level of love in their own life.

Love is a frequency. Its a cultivation of heart and soul. A frequency which can be felt palpably. So, when theres a self-love coach, unconsciously functioning from self-hatred, monetizing ‘self-love’ and turning it into a business.

How does that work? Well, it doesn’t.

While they may make a lot of money if they’re really good at appealing to the lack and pain in their followers, other than that, nothing else of higher order really gets fulfilled.

On the one hand, its manipulation and robbery, which seems to be wildly out there and in your face these days. On the other hand, it’s completely innocent and they have the deepest and sweetest intentions to help others, but the reality of the entire situation is misaligned to begin with.

Practically speaking, it makes no difference how much one may have convinced themselves that all the planets, spirits, guides, ancestors, and glitter fingers are being channeled through them to awaken kundalini and open hearts and clear past trauma in others - without immense amounts of cultivation daily, they will not have the energetic ability and physical vigor, nor the cleanliness required, to truly be effective.

They will not have the level of inner calm, stillness, and heart and soul cultivation level required to be effective.

Some of these things are possible however once one has arrived to a certain level of internal development through high levels of daily cultivation.

Its becoming more and more common over the last 2 years, that I have people coming to me for treatment after another energy worker had unintentionally and mistakenly tonified/fed their diseased state and added to it. Or created new problems/deviations within the persons system, which then had to be removed.

They created the problem, and I removed it.

Is it because Im a better, more magical energy worker than they are? No, not at all. Its because Im more cultivated than they are.

Thats all it truly comes down to. Its the time spent in training and preparation to be effective (combined with theoretical understanding of whatever system informs your practice).

You see, energy is not all love & light, and it functions very pragmatically and systematically. You can help someone only to the degree in which you have cultivated yourself, and based on that, you can support their healing just as much as you can mess them up.

Most (not all) of what you see in these videos people share, with the shaking and the spasming, is an over-stimulated nervous system being ravaged by heat and cortisol, and then being called “energy healing” or some profound form of energy “activation”.

It can also generate huge amounts of emotional overwhelm and instability, sold as “a healing response”. But usually, all thats being activated is a persons fight or flight response - burning through their Yin Qi and creating psycho-emotional deviations.

To clarify, sometimes emotional expression is in fact a true and normal healing response when the energetic transmission is real, which is astronomically rare.

It can potentially be very unsafe, depending on your current state of wellness, to lay down and open yourself to receive from a practitioner who has not yet purged, opened, sunk, centered and cultivated their own life force.

Cultivation of the practitioner is the master key.

The path of cultivation is a long process which takes years. There’s no immediate gratification in cultivation. And it’s ok that it takes time. It’s beautiful that it requires time. This is not something that a 6-week ‘master training’ course in Bali will handle for you.

Such trainings are like the cattle-marts of spirituality, consistently churning out incredibly low-level practitioners, in order to make as much money as possible off an easy-to-deliver booklet.

It’s absolute nonsense.

These courses can be fun, opening, and can help you gain contact with new perspectives and methodologies that you can later deepen into, but they cannot give you the necessary depth of cultivation needed to become an effective practitioner right off the bat. And if the marketing or ‘teachers’ are trying to convince you otherwise; Its a massive red flag.

For personal context, I began martial training at 6 years of age, I began exploring Qi Gong and meditation at 16, my Traditional Chinese Medicine education started 15 years ago, and in 2020 I began to heavily increase my internal development - spending hours upon hours every day in deep cultivation - and still I am not even close to being a master of anything.

As a matter of fact, the more I cultivate, the more I see how far away I truly am, seeing all of my own blind spots that I must continue to purify and bring more awareness to. And the more I cultivate, the more I see how far away others are, too, especially energy workers and spiritual leaders.

Cultivation never ends.

It’s not about becoming a master; it’s about living a practiced life as an ode of respect to those who instill their trust in you.

I understand that deep cultivation and self-accountability may not be so appealing to those who desire to immediately build a business and monetize the baby-Jesus out of everything. I feel that may in fact be the reason that the insta-spiritual terrain looks the way it looks right now.

A word of warning…

A lot of what is being depicted as “spiritual guidance” or “embodiment” these days is actually mental illness and qi deviation expressing itself through a person.

Those who are true in their experience wont be in any way triggered by what Im expressing here. But if you are finding yourself becoming aggravated and worked-up by what you’re reading right now, it means the foundation in you is shaky. That is worth exploring.

Whether you think you can activate Kundalini or communicate with the planet Walmartia, ultimately, we are all regular humans (which is extraordinary in itself), who must live and abide by certain universal laws, and that’s ok. That’s beautiful.

I believe a lot of the spiritual posturing we see online is mainly coming from the lack of self-worth in a person, and from them wanting to feel extra special, unique and chosen. Their pain will seek to identify with something which depicts them as different, unique, special, worthy, important, so on and so forth.

As you can see in the world right now, our focus on how one identifies has taken center stage in many places. And when this highly identified, insecure, validation seeking individual starts to work on others, it’s, again, potentially unsafe.

Much of what you see out there, is more about the “teacher” than his/her audience. It reeks of “look at me, look at me, look at me”.

“Look how feminine I am”

“Look how masculine I am”

“Look how happy I am”

“Look how spiritual I am”

“Look how much money I make”

“Look at me me me me me me. I’m just so fabulous. I am a goddess”

It’s ironic, isn’t it? That the biggest egos exist in the spiritual community when the very path of spirituality is to no longer be governed by said ego?

We trick ourselves into believing all of the above is us standing for empowerment. When in fact we are further perpetuating our pain and deficiency.

Please, let me be clear - I’m not sharing what I’m sharing here to be nasty or meanl. What I am sharing is simply my factual observation of our current state of affairs - which generally seems to go completely unchecked.

I could never claim to be here in support of humanity, without being honest with humanity. My calling things out is not to hurt. The intention is to empower. My deepest intention is to infuse love and clarity. So please do not take my words as an attack, but rather as a firm love. Which you absolutely have the right to disagree with, project on, and challenge.

In your deepest essence you are innately powerful, beautiful, gorgeously intelligent, and birthed forth from an absolutely divine wisdom, but is it possible that you’ve gotten caught up in beliefs and ways of existing here which may not serve you? This is a question worth asking oneself.

If what I am saying resonates, pick it up. If it doesn’t, drop it.

To conclude…

In my life, I’ve met very few other people who are able to carry out energy work in a real, supportive and tangible way.

Of course, there is a very real nourishment in human-to-human connection of any sort. Feeling heard, received and seen is beautiful, and this can happen with anyone, regardless of cultivation.

But when it comes to allowing someone to work with you energetically and/or spiritually, then I would encourage you to hold the standard as highly as possible.

The next time you seek out an individual to receive a session or treatment from, I encourage you to ask them, “how many hours of energetic cultivation do you do per day?”

Because without vigorous cultivation, that person is not really doing much positive for you, other than pouring their own unprocessed junk and deficiencies into you.

When choosing a practitioner, observe them.

How calm are they inside?

How peaceful are they?

How at ease are they?

How much spaciousness do they have for you?

How do you feel in their presence?

How do you feel when you hear their voice?

All of this matters and can be a beautiful north star in choosing the right person for you.

You should never receive treatment from an emotionally erratic, overstimulated, unregulated and anxious/irritated individual. Especially those who have been convinced that ‘Oh that’s just me being in my feminine energy’.

Unfortunately, that’s not true. They are unwell. The above is a disturbing new-age brainwashing from the distorted polarity community (a topic for a future post).

It’s ok to be unwell. We have all experienced being unwell. We are all allowed to be unwell. But please don’t receive any treatment or guidance from someone who is unwell, or who identifies their unwellness with ‘being in my feminine energy’.

The quality of a persons heart-mind is one of the MOST important aspects of their effectiveness in treating you.

Is it calm, full and peaceful?

We develop our quality of heart/lovingness through daily cultivation, but we also develop it by living a life focused on kindness, service and being of use to the world, even in the smallest of ways.

‘How can I be even a little bit kinder today’? is a beautiful question to ask yourself.

Being overly focused on your own personal gains, and what you can get from others, from life, from your partner, is a painful and barren way to live, and an approach which will guarantee a constant leaking of life-force, and the potential breeding of disease.

You get to play with numbers, money, material abundance etc, but it should never be the primary focus or priority of anything you do. If you notice the frequency of fear or greed entering your life, it’s important to immediately course correct. It’s not about the externals of life, but rather about how you engage with them, and the meanings you apply to them.

To love deeper is to live.

To be kinder is to live.

To endure and face the inevitable challenges and hardships of life, whilst remaining as calm, regulated, and loving as we can, is to live.

All the while, cultivating an essence of diligence and personal accountability for how we move through the world.

The responsibility of an energy worker/spiritual teacher (as I see it) is to consistently see, clean, purge, and fill themselves.

The 10-minute sage and crystal cleansing won’t get it done!

“Cutting cords” wont get it done.

Without a substantial amount of energetic cultivation, training and maintenance every day, the individual will also do significant harm to themselves. I’ve seen it many times, where people who are offering therapies/coaching to others completely burn out and become very sick.

This is unfortunate, heavy and challenging, but the reality is this is what happens when delusion starts to lead us.

If you are someone who works with other people’s energy, spirit, body, mind, you have an immense responsibility!

Either step up to that responsibility, or do something else.

It’s ok if you don’t want to dedicate a huge portion of your life to cultivation. You don’t need to. But please, stop offering stuff to others which requires this from you, for it to be safe(and effective).

I’m sharing what I’m sharing as an act of service and protection for both receivers of energy work and for people who are energy work practitioners.

I want you to flourish. To be healthy. To be well.

I myself have made thousands of mistakes, so that I could arrive to a place of further clarity, and cleaner love, which is a daily ongoing process.

Thank so much for taking the time,

Much love
