Chris Bale

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The Balance of Yin & Yang

It’s all Yang. This is why you’re so tired. Stressed. Confused. Frustrated. Anxious. Sick. Depressed - You’re only engaging the yang...

Society is all yang. Everything humanity engages in, from eating, to exercising, to being interfaced with only from a place of yang. Its all fire, burning, burning, burning. It’s all productivity hacks and hustling. Bulletproof coffee and sex toys.

It’s burning out our men, and it’s drying up our women, to the point they barely even vibrate as one.
The “doing” is championed, taught, and forced upon us. It’s the gold medal.

We have tipped the fuck over into a hyper unhealthy masculinised state of humanity. Where we all suffer. Where the planet suffers, because she is Yin. She is woman. We are driving her, and consuming her. Using her up. Too hard. Too fast.

The yang, is only one side of life. It’s the smallest side. It’s the light. It’s the 20 percent of the iceberg above the water.

People like the yang. It’s fun. Stimulating. Exciting. And it doesn’t call you to really feel anything. As soon as the Yin is met....and the other 80percent of life available to you begins to rise up...people lose their fucking minds. Yin, calls us to FEEL. To surrender. To allow. To be in vulnerablity. To express.
Learning to drop into the yin, the water, the feminine, the earth...the dark, will bring you the true power behind the flame. The true nourishment, health, abundance and bliss.

Whatever floats your boat - trick question...WATER floats your boat!! Yin!
Good day.