Chris Bale

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What The Man Lives For

Until a man has discovered what he is willing to die for (in order to protect), he will have nothing to truly live for...

Without having something to live for, the man will flip-flop around, being pulled in every which-way direction: Afraid of really communicating who he is, and what he is here for.

He will seek the validation of women, relentlessly, never really bringing anything of substance to her. Always wanting to do right by others by laying his truth down, and putting it aside.

He will question himself, his worth, his power - on a moment to moment basis - looking for someone else´s opinion of him to save him.

The man will spend his life utterly compromised, cut at the waist, apologetic for his maleness - never truly embodying his essence. What a fucking WASTE of a good man.

Men, stop looking for the world around you to confirm you. Its never going to happen. Confirm yourself, first. And from this standing you will see life reflect you back.

Confirm what you are willing to die for - which will immediately clarify that which you have to live for. Then go out, and stand firm for that, no exceptions.

Penetrate life with your beautiful on-purpose essence, and do you, on your terms.
Be relentless in the name of truth, but be balanced enough in your internal woman that you deliver it all from an unwavering love, so it can be received.⁣

I look around and I see my fellow males perishing, rapidly. Getting eaten alive by the narrative - in which women are now starving to death from the lack of stable masculinity.

Men, you are needed! Rise-the-fuck-up and figure it out!

Much Love, ⁣