Chris Bale

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Yeah..But Are You Fuckable?

Let’s not get so wrapped up with the fluff that we forget the primal; aka the practical...

There is a recurring trend I see amongst many new-age-spiritual men(I believe `flow-boys´ is the term).

It involves complaining about the fact that women won’t be receptive or surrender to him the way he expects it - Or the way his Tantra book has instructed him.

-As if she must be in this surrendered state in order to be validated as a real woman.

More entitled complaints arrive, such as “why won’t she date me/have sex with me, or worship my lingam?”

Distracted by his own projections, he fails to ask the question, “Am I even fuckable to begin with?”

Lets get it straight guys, sexual attraction aint fluffy. Its very practical.

Your presence either sparks her, or it doesnt!

You can’t spiritually convince an embodied woman that you are worth connecting with intimately, if she doesn’t feel you deeply impacting her being.

As a man, it requires some level of sexual value, aka - level of fuckability - for a woman to even be interested in looking in your direction.

Sure, she may like the idea of you from an analytical standpoint, but it doesn’t mean her body is going to be able to open and surrender to you. This comes from a much deeper involuntary place inside of her, which she doesn’t get to choose.

Friendzoned men are familar with the statement "Oh my god, why do i keep fucking that guy, hes not even my type." - Sure, hes wrong for her mind...but her body and essence is a different story - and this is whats leading.

To land the point about surrender not be a voluntary process - It is incredibly common that a woman wants to remain with her partner who she loves deeply, and truly longs to open and surrender to him…but she just cannot. And it is not for lacking of trying. Her essence simply says “NO - There is something not safe about this man”.

You cannot convince a flower, to flower.

She flowers only when she feels the integral warmth and love of the sun, penetrating her with its powerfully present rays. Uncompromised. True.

Her level of feminine development cannot be blamed for not feeling safe or aroused enough to allow a “flow-boy” mount her.

Im not saying you shouldn’t be a “flow boy”. Be whatever you feel to be…be the flowiest-boy of all the flow-boys who have ever flowed. If thats what brings you joy and power in your life, beautiful, do that.

But, I am still pointing out that you cannot expect to be sexually inspiring to a powerful women, when you yourself have forsaken your maleness and taken on the female role. This is about polarity.

A woman requires you being in firm contact with your balls and sovereignty in order to feel safe and claimed enough to truly open. You cannot rely solely on Palo Santo, human design, and watery heart gazes.

She requires your “oomph”!

Fortunately, if you are currently feeling stuck in the unfuckable bracket, you can absolutely shift this by reclaiming your embodied male sovereignty.

I can help with that…

Chris Bale