
“I have worked with thousands of people over the years. Below are just some of the courageous individuals who have offered to share their experience of our work. Thank you to all. I am deeply grateful for the trust you place in me, and for all the ways you have taught me. Forever grateful.”

  • Kara Kovacs - Victoria, Australia.

    “I only became aware of the work that Chris is doing very recently and it hit me straight in the heart. I reached out to him and from the moment of my first connection with his beautiful assistant Emma, right through to now, I have been held, loved, encouraged and supported.

    I felt sick with fear in the lead up to to my energy session video-call but I need not have put myself through that. Chris was incredibly gentle, loving, and patient. Even though we weren’t in the same room, I could feel him with me strongly.

    It’s hard to put into words exactly what I experienced in those 1.5 hours. I felt myself opening up to a force that was familiar and intense. The energy permeated my entire body, slowly building until I reached the most exquisite states of orgasmic bliss. Just when I thought the energy had settled, it would build again with even more intensity. It felt like melting into myself but it also felt like switching on every feeling sense in my entire body. It is like NOTHING I have felt before.
    Since that session (only two weeks ago) everything has changed for me. I feel alive in ways I never have before. Oh…and to be aware of that constant bliss running through me. All I have to do is be focus on it and …..ohhhhh….!! There are many other significant changes too, all of which will bring me closer to a deeply satisfying life.

    ​Thank you Chris for all the work that you have done that allows you to bring your masculine to us. Thank you for truly seeing me.
    Forever grateful,

  • Tahlia Seinor - NSW, Australia

    "I have read books, traveled to countries to find my purpose and it wasn't until recently that I completely understood.

    ​I was introduced to Chris, an amazing human, by my very close friend Cherie. In just 3.5 hours he gave me all the information I needed, through energy. Little words were spoken as he connected me back to myself, and my energy, through allowing my caught trauma in my body to be released.

    All the self help books I have read, documentaries I have watched, energy healings I have had until the point of meeting Chris, were all just scratching the surface. He met me with a polar energy. I laughed, I cried and went through every emotion in between. And at the end of it all, he brought me back to my feminine. I had pushed it down so far inside of me that I forgot what this felt like. In my industry, women are almost made to hide our softness. We cant let anyone see our vulnerability. Little did I know that this is actually the strongest form of being.

    ​Chris reminded me what I had forgotten. I had forgotten exactly what it felt like to be me. I cannot thank him enough. I would urge anyone to reach out and get in contact and start working with him. This is something you will never regret.
    Much love x

  • Sean Flynn - Marseille, France

    "I've worked with Chris on Skype and in person in the last 12 months.

    His work is challenging at first and a bit of a shock to the system, there is no sugarcoating, he WILL call you out on your bs, but you know it's 100% for your own benefit and clarity.

    ​He has endless patience and I cannot speak highly enough of his work. He has helped me a lot and I wouldn't be where I am today (in a good place) without his influence and direction. He is a bit of a genius."

  • Arpit Rohilla, India

    "Man, I came to you about 2-3 years ago exhausted, tired, and done with life. I said I felt like life was passing me by and I didn't even feel alive.
    I have now come to a place where I feel love coarsing through me, love for life and for myself, I feel alive. And I am enjoying every single second of my being here.
    I really can't emphasize enough how grateful I am to you. Really, man, you are performing magic on this planet. I am so so grateful 🙏🏾

    May you have a long, healthy and fulfilling life. Thanks man."

  • Harry Wilde, United Kingdom

    ​"After connecting with Chris initially through his range of online materials and subsequently via a few direct interactions I quickly realised that this man brings a level of clarity, honesty and simplicity that I had not previously encountered on my 3-year spiritual path.

    Just being in his presence proves his legitimacy as someone who has amassed a wealth of experiential wisdom and has learned to embody it very powerfully and share it effectively with those who are ready to see and be seen fully.

    Chris' initial observations on my own mental and energetic blockages proved to be incredibly astute and accurate and by shining a light on those areas within me he kickstarted the process of moving those areas of stagnation.

    It's safe to say that I would not have experienced the level of opening and release I have had in the last few months had I not encountered Chris and his teachings.

    ​I am extremely grateful to have found Chris as an example of an authentic, honest and balanced masculine energy and I hope to continue to learn from him and with the wider community of people who are seeking to remind themselves of their true, authentic, loving nature.”

  • Brian - Los Angeles, USA

    "I feel like I achieved the reset and focus I needed this year away from some of the subconscious programming that is running my life. And even though I know it is still up to me to take action and be responsible for all the intentions in every moment of my life, something about working with Chris has made me more aware of how to relax, let go, and simply enjoy being in the present moment with others rather than trying control it,  and honor the other people in front of me as gifts. And the biggest realization I am still processing, is when I’m alone now, is that I’m enough of a relationship to complete the feeling and connection of love, which is a combination of all the people I’ve ever met and known. I feel a calm steady timeless ocean of emotional support inside myself that fills me up and overflows outwards wherever I go now whether alone or with others."

  • Joze Slobodnik

    "Chris is the MAN.

    If it wasn't for him I'd be lying in a gutter of male frustration somewhere. Don't get me wrong, he WON'T carry you to the 'goal'. But he'll show you the way so you could walk it.

    A genius in his field, I HIGHLY!!! recommend his guidance—one of the best investments EVER."

  • Teah - Florida, USA

    My bliss session with Chris on the 15th was absolutely incredible, like nothing I have ever experienced before. I feel like there were some deep shifts for me and I’m experiencing myself in a whole new light.”

  • Amber Lavalley - Oklahoma, USA.

    "My experience with Chris was so beyond words so please bear with me while I try to quantify it.

    The immense amount of love for myself and others that bubbled up within me, both during and in the weeks following the session was incredible. Chris helped me heal parts of myself that I didn´t know needed to heal.

    Through this, in the following days and weeks, my ability to truly experience a wide spectrum of feelings started to return in a capacity that I hadn´t felt since I was a child. And while being more sensitive was initially challenging, Chris offered guidance in how to use it to discover what I should really be doing in any given situation.

    I truly feel like Im living life now, instead of just going on autopilot. Thank you Chris"

  • Current Men's Group Member

    "The last year in the group has changed my life in such a beautiful way. How I am in myself, my relationships and especially with women has shifted so much and I am deeply deeply grateful to you for that. The tools you have shared continue to support me and show me myself in great ways. The dedication you have put into your study and work is inspiring and truly the ripples of that are felt so deeply. Thank you so much for all you do. May you have all you need to continue your work and life. I look forward to connecting again when the time comes."

  • Excerpt from the book: Mindscaper Manifesto, Rewriting Your Reality.- By Willow Green

    Chapter 19: Alone at Last
    .…I was guided to Chris Bale. I heard his voice, watched his videos and read the testimonials. I needed to release the energy. I needed to release the pain from my body, from my cells. I requested a session.

    Chris was booked until after my mom returned. This wasn’t going to work for me. I gave him my timeline and explained that I only had a short window. I thanked the universe for guiding me to him and asked that if this is what will help me, then please make it happen. I let it go.

    A few days later, he had a cancellation and was able to meet with me the day I was breaking my fast. Thank you Universe!

    The session was exactly what I needed - Chris held space with so much love and compassion. I cried, I screamed, I released so much pain that I had stuffed. I released years of trauma from the cellular level and he refilled me with love. He showed me how it felt to have a man love you when you’re hurting. The experience gave me a new model of what loving support feels like. And I ended with full-body orgasms to seal the deal. Talk about a powerful release and refill. Out with the old and in with a bang!

    I was weak for a couple more days. I nourished and loved myself as my body re-calibrated. I embraced the silence. I journaled. I listened. I normalised my new way of being. The calmness was so strange at first. I didn’t know it existed the way I was experiencing it. I thought I was there already.

    I no longer had any needs. I had nothing to prove, nothing to hide. I appreciated everything so much and for the first time I really was just in a state of peace and bliss beyond anything I had experienced before. It’s hard to describe, maybe like cloud 9, only better. I felt whole for the first time.

    And then the flow set in. The inspiration hit and my book just started spewing out of me. I was writing and channeling like crazy. Again, exactly what I asked for.

    Take Aways:

    Chris Bale models how a man really can love a woman. He models how to hear, see, allow, and initiate a woman to feel. To honour herself. His teachings and mentorship of men is opening up space for healthy communication, love and so much more.

    He is a gift to women. He is a shining light, generating healing around the planet.
    When you ask the universe for help, do you listen for the answers?”

  • Astrid, Germany

    I worked with Chris for one year.

    ​ Chris' assistant Tanya deserves a big hug in the first place, because she supported me from the very beginning and through all the email exchange with patience and encouragement.

    After my first personal contact with Chris in a mentoring session, I received an energy session from him, and afterwards I was part of his monthly women's group for 7 months.

    Chris is one of the clearest men I ever met on this planet! And let me please explain what I mean when I say this.

    My character makes me a very critical and intuitive thinker, and usually I don't care much about being "nice with someone". I really go for what works for me practically and perceptibly, & let me tell you, my energy session wasn't immediate bliss all over.

    Quite the opposite. To recalibrate and open my system to the bliss frequency Chris transmits, I had to first go through all of my own bitterness during the session, and fully face it. This is exactly why I recommend Chris.

    He doesn't coddle you or hide you from the truth just to be nice or to make you feel good, nor does he takes advantage of your weakness & vulnerability. He is real, honest, & takes great care.

    With Chris' support I have attained an amazing clarity on my actions and needs. It feels like an immense sharpening up energetically. At the same time I've become softer, mainly towards myself... I mean, my judgements still come, but now I check them, and don't habitually take them for the only truth any longer.

    As for his energy sessions, you will feel him moving powerfully & compassionately with you the entire time.

    He carries you consciously through your process. He slows down when he feels it's necessary, but never too much, so you are still challenged and held accountable to fully feel, at the same time being seen and supported by Chris.

    As a woman you are SAFE with him! As a human being your are loved all over, and as a soul you are nourished.
    Thank you so much, Chris.

  • Mai Copsoe - Denmark

    Chris is a magician! It’s hard to put in to words just how powerful he, his energy and his words are.

    Chris works with both men and women where he mentors and offers energy healing. He speaks the truth with such fierceness, grace and clarity that it will always strike a note. It may provoke you deeply, or it will land straight in your heart - and either way it will help spiral you into a wider perspective, a freer body and a healthier soul.

    The thing about Chris is that he is so dedicated to himself that he will never ask anything of you, and so you feel safe with him. He may challenge you, he may call you out on the parts where you play small, but he always does it in a way that makes you feel your potential, your gifts and your abilities; hence it always feels like a beautiful invitation to become a better version of yourself.

    Chris sees your pain and he will hold and love you where you need it most.

    My sense is that he uses two different sets of languages with men and women but the result is the same: you each become more grounded and free in who you are - and become more aware of your own powers. This is how you become a free and healthy being. Full of love and light for yourself and others.

    Chris is able to do this because he is not afraid to speak the truth; no matter what your reaction may be, he will say what you need to hear. He isn’t attached to anything - not even the work of his clients; he simply provides his services in the name of more love to humankind. Therefore it’s impossible not to have deep trust in him always.

    For many the truth is a scary thing, but with Chris you’ll feel honoured, humbled and energised to evolve once you hear it. Because part of his magic is that Chris speaks the truth without judgement and in the name of love and compassion.

    I feel like all humans will benefit from Chris, but especially if you’re struggling with; non-beneficial behaviour patterns, physical fatigue, addiction or other bodily imbalances, unhappiness, unfulfilment, lack of aliveness / turn-on, depression, emotional or physical trauma, restlessness or other things.
    He’s your man. I love him, and can’t recommend him enough!

  • Jill Ewing - Ithaca, New York - USA

    “My energy session with Chris was a powerfully healing and intimate experience for me. I trusted him intuitively(which is huge for me) and my body began releasing old trauma almost immediately upon experiencing his presence. His energy and attentiveness, love and care was very palpable. I felt connected the whole session.

    Sensations of tingling and strong energy moved through my body. There was pulling, twitching, pulsing, awakening sensations.

    It was exhilarating to feel the energy moving through me. I started out the session feeling cold in my body. Quite quickly his energy began generating heat and sweating in me, especially up through my spine as my body danced on its own accord. I was laughing, crying, feeling and experiencing pleasure.

    The night following my session I touched into some very deep grief where I was wailing for about an hour, releasing. It was amazing. I would recommend Chris to anyone. He is an ally to women and men and he is a lover and a deep healer.

    Thank you Chris,

  • Deborah - California, USA

    “...WOW, is the first word that comes to mind on my session with Chris, way more then I ever expected!

    I am a 64 year old woman going through a divorce with a Narcissistic man. Needless to say I was feeling very drained, and stuck in this negative energy.

    I have been on a spiritual path since my teens and have tried many different unusual things on my journey. Nothing compares to the work Chris did with me, absolutely life changing!

    I am so grateful that I was guided to him and followed my intuition and booked a session.

    I would highly recommend to any woman (especially if you have suffered abuse). What you can release is so amazing, you are so much lighter and present when you’re free from all that negative energy you didn’t even know you were carrying, until it arose during the energywork.

    Results are immediate with Chris. It has been several weeks and I still feel this joy my heart has not known since childhood. This would take years and years of therapy and I doubt the results would be nearly as good.

    Many blessings to you Chris, what a incredible being you are....
    ​Be Well, Much Love, Deborah”

  • Curt Millen - USA

    "Chris is the real deal with no bullshit.

    His assistance has helped me to resolve many deep issues within myself as a man that I had been trying to resolve for a very long time. Now I am able to to it with ease, bringing me back to myself and not drowning in the social programming of others, which had me being a man-boy, running around wondering why I wasn't succeeding as much as I knew I should.

    ​Top Kosher Kudos to Chris Bale."

  • Abhinav Gokllani - India

    "The energy session and the mentoring sessions from Chris kickstarted my journey on clearing my own path.

    Due to Chris's help, I was able to clear many blockages and anxiety, sleep-related issues that had been plaguing me for the past 27 years.

    ​I recommend Chris's session for anyone seeking clarity to get back into deeper touch with themselves."

  • Irmina - Krakow, Poland

    "Since my session with Chris, I feel strange, but in a good way, like I was reborn and am finding my way in this new state.

    I feel a huge relief and is an amazing feeling, very touching. I lost my frustration and anger so I am learning with baby steps how to live and go through each day loving and calm, breathing deep and loving my self. So it’s quite a challenge after so many years of hating myself and blaming myself and running away from emotions.

    ​I am most thankful to Chris for giving me that opportunity, and for giving my baby son a new loving mom. Please thank him for me ❤️ I am looking forward to our next session.

    Warm hugs.