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Alchemy for LifeForce Initiation (Level 1)

"The Qigong form I am about to teach and initiate you into, is the single most powerful practice I have ever discovered for energetic cultivation & vibrant health, in my 18+ years of energetic exploration"

Generally, the difference between a healthy vibrant person, and an unhealthy diseased person - is the amount of Life Force they can absorb and hold in their system, and the rate at which it is vibrating at.

Everything is dictated by the amount of Life Force energy we have access to, from assimilating nutrients in our food, to fighting off bacteria, to healing from health issues, to feeling happy and engaged with life.

Most people move around in life running on fumes, because we were never shown or given the tools required to accumulate Life Force effectively. So people live in a constant state of burnout.

I’m deeply honoured to be able to share a life changing alchemical practice with you, for absorbing huge amounts of beneficial energy from the universe. A practice that I know can & will change your life.

Class Details

Cost: €140
Duration: 2hrs (approx)
Location: Zoom

If you would like to be learn this form privately (not in a group setting) please click here.

- Intro to the practice & my personal experience
- The history and the creator of the form
- Theoretical understanding/what it does
- Moving Form practical Instruction
- Foundational energetic transmission/initiation for the practice to be most potent in your body
- Tips to support your daily practice
- Q&A
- Follow up email with instructional materials.


If you are joining, you must be visible on camera and must be in a place where you can stand and follow along with the practice, although sitting is permitted if you cannot stand due to a medical or health issue. Attending the class from one’s car or holding your phone to watch is not permitted. If you are passively listening you will not receive the initiation.

*Confirmation Email Note:
Please note that the email which is attached to your PayPal account is the email where you will receive the call details. If you do not receive it in your inbox, please check your spam folder. As this is clearly stated, no refunds are possible. You are welcome to forward your credit to an upcoming initiation class.

Note: This is a different practice to what’s included in Chris' QiGong Course. It requires energetic initiation, which is why it must be taught to you live and direct. For this reason, classes are never recorded. You must be able to attend.

May 29

Monthly Group Healing Session (EU & US Daytime)