To Be Grounded: What it Means & Why it’s Important

Being deeply grounded within the body is the single most important foundational step in a humans ethereal development. For spiritual endeavor, for energetic accumulation, and for physical health...

If a person has not yet come to a place of fully embodying, clarifying, feeling, and vibrating at their root - all other higher center work is in total vain.⁣⁣
Grounding sounds like a straight-forward immediate practice right? Nowadays it’s sold to us as being as simple as walking barefoot on the grass.
Sure being barefoot helps, but it’s not even close to what is needed to be in a grounded & open body. That’s a whole other thing. ⁣⁣
It can take years for a persons energy to be able to open and sink down to make contact with mama earths field.⁣⁣
The path to getting grounded tends to show us all the ways we have feared the body and it’s animalistic intuitiveness. The ways we have disassociated with it and locked it away in the trunk. ⁣⁣
“It’s too powerful to understand logically, so let’s just avoid it at all costs.”⁣⁣
Why being grounded is so important, is because as long as we are unconsciously holding trauma, tension, and resistance in the tissues and fascia of the body, it keeps us hovering, locked in the upper, & energetically top-heavy. ⁣⁣
This can present itself in many emotional/spirit based issues such as neurosis, anxiety, panic, fear, heart disease, migraines, mania, and insomnia - to name but a few. ⁣⁣
To unravel all of this upper stagnation takes deep dedication and awareness of self - at least that has been my experience. ⁣⁣
These patterns can be very engrained in a persons personality and identity - and the growth structure of the physical body can align with it pretty rapidly. ⁣⁣
For this reason, to shift down and out into lower expansion can require huge levels of self-policing, in order to interrupt and recorrect past habitual responses. ⁣⁣
Our bodies have been really hammered by lies. We have been disconnected from it, to the point it trusts nothing, but is willing to believe in almost anything - if it promises the cure. This in essence is the mind, leading the body - always in fight or flight. ⁣⁣When it would be far more supportive to have the body lead the mind.
The mind opens to logic - the body opens to love. ⁣⁣
Love, as usual, is our medicine in this unfurling process.⁣⁣
This is where learning how to apply self-love and self-soothing can be of great support to the body, allowing itself to put its shield and armor down - to trustfully rest in the bosom of the earth. ⁣⁣
You know the way it feels good to have a person in your life who always shows up for you? Is solid? Yeah - well that’s what you will have to be for your body, so it can begin to rest into your presence and accompaniment. ⁣⁣
To anyone on their spiritual path - I would invite you to really give precedence to your “root work”. ⁣⁣
As long as you are here as a human, your health & vigor in this life is going to be hugely linked to the level of connection you have with your root. ⁣⁣
A person who is soft, receptive and embodied at their root will move through life with a foundational sense of physical security & wellbeing - resulting in greater personal power, and a direct line to life-force energy. ⁣⁣
If you have not grounded right down into your being, you have not yet met your foundation; your innate Intelligence will be limited.⁣⁣
The gift of being in a grounded physical system, is to experience a life which is highly energized, yet deeply relaxed - Held and supported by the earth below you. ⁣⁣
In my process, going up was always easy. I’d go up so high I wouldn’t have to be here anymore. It was addictive. Society supports this, as it makes a person easier to manipulate and control. ⁣⁣
Going down, was a totally different story. ⁣⁣
It took me years of trudging through so many of my unconscious holding patterns which kept my jaw, throat, diaphragm, and pelvis braced; twisted up. ⁣⁣
This was until I stopped all the striving, and finally put my hands on myself. ⁣⁣
I had no idea how compromised my physical & energetic system had become. ⁣⁣
I encourage you all, to put hands on yourself. ⁣⁣
Everywhere. ⁣⁣
As much as you can.⁣⁣
You must see & FEEL for yourself. ⁣⁣
You must locate all your own areas of severe numbness & bracing, if you want to be able to fully open & embody your vehicle.⁣⁣
Patience, compassion, lovingness - as you move through this delicious process of self discovery.⁣⁣
If you don’t feel the earth energy vibrating up through your legs and spine - it’s because its not. It’s blocked. ⁣⁣
An online root will heavily feel earths frequency. It is a very physical sensation which promotes safety and relaxation. It’s feeling fully throughout the pelvis and coccyx. ⁣⁣
To be blocked at the root will affect your breathing, your posturing, your potency, and fundamentally your health. ⁣⁣
Put hands on yourself. ⁣⁣
Know your vehicle. ⁣⁣
We are all a little(or a lot) different. ⁣⁣
But one thing runs common in almost everyone I work with - pelvis, diaphragm, throat, shoulders - Braced; like the dickens y’all. ⁣⁣
These are all key energetic vortex/transmutation areas of our bodies. If these motors aren’t grounded and purring - we have health issues. From physical to mental. ⁣⁣
Put hands on yourself. ⁣⁣
Your hands are so fucking powerful. They are natural dischargers and balancers. They are polar magnets. Learn to use them - But not from a book; Put hands on yourself. They will show you how to use them if you learn to listen. The books will give you too much information and distract you from receiving the simple lessons. This would be my advise at least. ⁣⁣
We need to move away from relating to spiritual development as a mind-based understanding, and bring it back home into the body, where the real proof in the pudding exists.⁣⁣
Your third eye and crown chakra will look after itself, once you ground down. I know it can sound all mystical and exciting to go up, but you could hurt yourself in the process, if you go up too soon. I’ve seen it frequently. ⁣⁣
To go up, go down. ⁣⁣
Ground, ground, ground. The ascension will happen of its own accord.⁣⁣
I hope this has been even a little helpful in demystifying the whole concept of grounding. ⁣⁣
Much love,⁣⁣


The Upper Body


Male Trauma Part 2