Women's Course Bundle

Sale Price:€327.00 Original Price:€381.00

Purchase 3 of Chris' Signature Workshop Recordings for women and save $54 off the total. This Women’s Course Bundle includes, The Way of The Women, Intro to Conscious Intimacy, and Self-healing 101.

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Purchase 3 of Chris' Signature Workshop Recordings for women and save $54 off the total. This Women’s Course Bundle includes, The Way of The Women, Intro to Conscious Intimacy, and Self-healing 101.

Purchase 3 of Chris' Signature Workshop Recordings for women and save $54 off the total. This Women’s Course Bundle includes, The Way of The Women, Intro to Conscious Intimacy, and Self-healing 101.

Bundle Overview

  • The Way Of The Woman ​- Evoking & Understanding The Wild-hearted Feminine

    This 2.5h WOMAN ONLY WORKSHOP RECORDING focuses on providing a powerful and nourishing felt-sense experience for the under-met and under-seen feminine. Drawing upon his 10+ years of assisting both men & women in the areas of sexual awakening, consciousness and embodiment - Chris offers his unique and raw teachings, gained through his direct experience.

  • Intro To Conscious Intimacy - Deeper Sex

This 2hr 20min conscious intimacy workshop recording is both a verbal and energetic transmission, which draws upon Chris’ 10+ years of assisting men, women, and couples, in the areas of intimacy, sexual awakening & embodiment

  • Self Energetic Healing 101 Workshop

This 3 hr powerful online workshop recording will introduce & expand upon the profound healing potential which resides inside of us all. With energy medicine & spirituality currently in-trend, there is huge amounts of complication and misinformation being tossed fourth. This workshop recording is a must listen for anyone who wants to cut away all of the fluff and mysticism around energy, and understand the simple mechanics of how it REALLY works inside your body.

Detailed Descriptions

The Way Of The Woman ​- Evoking & Understanding The Wild-hearted Feminine

The workshop focus on providing a powerful and nourishing felt-sense experience for the under-met and under-seen feminine. Drawing upon his 10+ years of assisting both men & women in the areas of sexual awakening, consciousness and embodiment - Chris offers his unique and raw teachings, gained through his direct experience.

About this Workshop

Please Note: It is not supportive, advised or recommended for men to watch or view this workshop recording, as the energy seeded in it is entirely for the re-alignment of a woman’s core energetic signature. This can negatively impact his system. Please respect this, thank you.

This event recording is focused on assisting and evoking the healthy feminine principle and sharing what is truly needed for women to come back into contact with her truest nature.

It’s important to note: Chris does not take the position of a man teaching women how to be women, but rather assumes the role of the messenger; reporting back some of what he has discovered along his own journey, which has been gifted to him by women, through the deeply intimate nature of the work he offers. This workshop is for deep service.

The event will offer deep understanding around how feminine energy moves through the body, polarity, sex, love, freedom and embodiment - with practical sacred solutions.

Many women who have attended previous workshops have reported profoundly transformative energetic/realigning experiences. Chris's work is primarily based on energy transmission, which Chris is consciously and purposefully emitting throughout the workshop, (which is also seeded within this recording) in order to harmonize and activate certain frequencies which may have been left dormant, due to the lack of male electricity.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for the attendees to experience huge amounts of energetic and emotional clearing while Chris is speaking. This workshop also serve as offering a new energetic imprint of the Masculine, while evoking deep opening and bliss of your Feminine essence.

Intro To Conscious Intimacy - Deeper Sex

“In a time of severe isolation and physical disconnection, having the necessary tools needed to reconnect with oneself & others is of high priority to our spiritual, mental, energetic and sexual wellbeing.”

This workshop offers a direct and practical insight into Chris' most valuable discoveries assisting people in the area of intimacy. The event focuses on realigning you with your original essence, via an understanding of how we function energetically - and how the body is our most potent access point to deeper intimacy, connection & meaning. During Chris' live events, he is emitting a potent transformative frequency throughout the entire workshop, which is also seeded within this recording. For this reason, it is common to experience profound shifts in one’s body and energetic system. Each event serves as its own energetic re-tuning session.

Areas covered in this workshop include:

  • The true definition of conscious intimacy

  • How intimacy heals trauma

  • The mind / body balance

  • How to open the body, and support others in opening safely.

  • Understanding Tension

  • The art of slowing down

  • Understanding your energetic polarity

  • How men/women function energetically

  • Energetic lovemaking

  • Practical tools & techniques to develop deeper intimacy and energetic potency during sex.

  • The importance of compassion

This workshop recording features the main transmission/teaching portion of the live workshop.

Self Energetic Healing 101 Workshop

“This event covers the key theoretical understanding of what is needed to be a powerful self-healer, while also sharing practical tools and structured approaches to inner healing.

In this recording of Chris’ Self Healing Workshop, he shares his own personal energetic discoveries, which he has spent many years honing, examining and consciously understanding, through working with himself and thousands of others on a full-time international level, for over a decade. Chris first began intuitively working with his own body at 16 years of age, and since then has accumulated a wealth of wisdom and practical understanding of how energy works.

In this self healing workshop recording, Chris shares:

  • Practical ways of approaching your own body to bring about the deepest levels of rebalancing and emotional healing - making sure to cover the profound nuances, which can make all the difference.

  • Pitfalls that so many face when attempting to heal.

  • The main issue responsible for our collective suffering.

Some of us spend years, if not our whole lives trying to unlock our own capacity to heal, yet, often fall short of accessing our full potential. It's time to unlock that healing potential that resides in us all.

Important Notes

  • The Q&A sections of the recorded live calls have not been recorded to respect the privacy of the attendees.

  • The recordings you are purchasing are only available for online viewing.

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